Kiss Bernadett
ügyvezető igazgató, sr. HR tanácsadó, Tata/ managing director, sr. HR consultant, Tata
Nagy Gábor
ügyvezető igazgató, sr. HR tanácsadó, Tata/ managing director, sr. HR consultant, Tata
Wéber Kinga
sr. HR tanácsadó, Tata/ sr. HR consultant, Tata
Doros Anna
sr. HR tanácsadó, Budapest/ sr. HR consultant, Budapest
Schubert Ildikó
HR tanácsadó, Tata/ HR consultant, Tata
Jakubecz Ninetta
HR Tanácsadó, Tata/ HR consultant, Tata
Slézia Judit
HR asszisztens, Budapest/ HR assistant, Budapest
Komáromi Krisztina
HR asszisztens, Tata/ HR assistant, Tata
Csutak Roberta
HR asszisztens, Tata/ HR assistant, Tata
Fodor Viktóra
Junior tanácsadó
Hajdás-Földi Kolos
Mészáros Gabriella
Papp Gréta
HR asszisztens, Budapest/ HR assistant, Budapest
Rosta Dániel
Vári Elvira
Tatai irodánk
2890 Tata, Kalapács utca 2.
Budapesti irodánk
1239 Budapest,
Szív utca 28. 2. em. 20. ajtó
Kövess minket itt is

Writing a resume


We will try to briefly describe to you what are the pivotal things that you have to pay attention to when writing your curriculum vitae.

We ask you to keep your uniqueness and creativity, do not throw them into the trash! 

Dare to take pride in who you are! With all the tips and advice you get, it is no wonder 

that you get confused what to write about yourself, or else you may write too much and lose your very point in it. 

We encourage you to show us, within reasonable limits, your REAL, true personality and knowledge. 

We are interested in you, not in a CV template. 

We will help you with this below. We’ve also been job seekers, we know what it’s like 

to be in your shoes. We try to think of this day after day, and support you to the best of our knowledge.

Let us tell you in advance: there is no such thing as ONE good resume. 

Because different types of leaders may look at your curriculum vitae. 

One leader will want a detailed resume, the other a short one, the third like one with a photo... 

In this case ask a headhunter / consultant for help. He / she has to know what can get 

you the best result at that specific company or leader!

We briefly sum up the essential characteristics of your CV:



In today's fast-paced, ever-changing world companies are created,
transformed and closed from year to year. Many times it’s not the applicant’s
fault that a new management comes and he / she has to go. Even if he / she
did his / her job well. In such case do not be afraid to describe the
cause of the change - the leader may not always be aware that, for
example, that factory actually closed down. So that no question remains about
why you left your job after 1 year.

There is nothing more disappointing for a company than when it turns

out that the dates, changes and responsibilities in your resume do not
stand in reality. It’s not that you may not embellish things a little, but
always bear in mind that you do much more harm to yourself if you are
rejected because of an untruthful statement. 

On the other hand, undue modesty can also be a problem. They ‘do not

dare’ to describe their true merits for fear that they will be taken too
‘flashy’. We tell you again: dare to be honest! Be proud of your success, your
results! Every company wants employees with professional dedication coupled
with knowledge!



Make sure that the wording of your resume emanates professionalism.
Write concrete things when speaking about your responsibilities, avoid
generalisms. For example if you’re a buyer, it sounds less professional if you


My duties:

  • procuring raw materials -
  • monitoring inventory levels, 
  • searching for suppliers....  

It is a lot more professional if you write, for example:


My duties:

  • purchasing aluminium castings from Europe, 
  • monitoring the inventory levels
  • of the entire factory,  
  • finding new Hungarian suppliers in the field of castings for localization purposes...  

Naturally professionalism (is not equal to) long sentences. So describe 
your tasks and results briefly, concisely and supported
by concrete facts.


In at least 1-2 cases, also highlight concrete results in the CV.
For example, staying at the buyer example: by what percentage were you
able to reduce costs in the given year, or how many new local suppliers
did you bring into the system?



Both statistics and reality show that for the person who does the
selecting it takes 5-7 seconds to decide whether or not to read through your
CV more deeply. These 5-6 seconds are just enough for you to draw
attention to your material. 

What is it the interviewer may be looking for?
Relevant experience, knowledge of languages, results. So make the keywords
stand out
in your CV. So that the reader need not make an effort to find
the relevant experience, make it prominent!  

Also pay attention to the sequence of your listing! Think it through! Put the 

important and relevant experiences first on your list.  

Try to look at your resume as an outsider, so that even someone 100% 

incompetent can understand your wording, and make
them forward your CV to the competent leader, whom it may concern.  We
also pay attention to these: we will help you rewrite your CV if we find
that it does not sell you. 





Believe us, everybody has such activities / hobbies / qualities /
interests that make them DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS. Include these in your

At the latest at the end of the CV take the opportunity to bring
us closer to you.
E.g. in the hobby part, write down if you’re a
rocker, a Harry Potter fan, a handball enthusiast or a marathon runner in
your free time. Sometimes we remember this better, and we also mention
you at the company as “the guy who has run the marathon 4 times will
surely be persistent, believe me."  

Not to mention that when you write
about yourself, you also imply your qualities. For example endurance,
humor, diligence, helpfulness.  


If you only write about the past, then we may not be able to find
out from your resume what you are really interested in. Help us with
this! At the beginning of your resume, write down very briefly the reason
of your job search.

Do you want to change because you want to step forward?
Because you wish for a different business culture? You are moving to
West Hungary? You do not feel appreciated?   

What are you looking for? Write it down in a few words. If not in your CV, 
then in the letter you’re sending your CV with. This is very important info for us. 

And we believe it is also important for you, because otherwise you could find yourself
running futile circles in some position without ever fulfilling your true


Often there are conflicting views about the following issues, here our

consultants can help you, when you talk to each other in person. Nonetheless, let us give

you some generalities also in writing:



Many companies expect you to attach a picture to your CV. If you don’t do so,
but your material is right, they will call you in nonetheless, have no fear.  

good portrait can be for your benefit, but a bad one could be the opposite. So,
only put a picture in your CV if it looks professional enough. We always help you
with comments on your photos. If you send us some, we’ll help you choose the best. 

It’s important that you look into the camera, smile openly, be elegant and that it
is a recent picture. 



If they ask you to send one along with your CV, do so, but today this is not
expectation anymore. Maybe write a few words about yourself in the e-mail
you are sending.

  • What is the reason for you applying? 
  • Why are you the ideal person for the position? 
  • When can we call you and on what phone number? 



How many pages you need to fill depends on your life path and
experience. If you are a beginner, do not be afraid that your material will be
‘too short’. If you have an experience of 40 years, dare to shorten it. 

In the West, people tend to return to the short, letter-like old-type
resumes, especially in the case of managers. Believe me, what is trendy
today, may not be so tomorrow.  


In general: Your CV should not be a journal, rather it should be
about drawing attention!  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to
write to us we will answer you! Please write to:  

Tatai irodánk
2890 Tata, Kalapács utca 2.
Budapesti irodánk
1239 Budapest, Szív utca 28. 2. em. 20. ajtó