Kiss Bernadett
ügyvezető igazgató, sr. HR tanácsadó, Tata/ managing director, sr. HR consultant, Tata
Nagy Gábor
ügyvezető igazgató, sr. HR tanácsadó, Tata/ managing director, sr. HR consultant, Tata
Wéber Kinga
sr. HR tanácsadó, Tata/ sr. HR consultant, Tata
Doros Anna
sr. HR tanácsadó, Budapest/ sr. HR consultant, Budapest
Schubert Ildikó
HR tanácsadó, Tata/ HR consultant, Tata
Jakubecz Ninetta
HR Tanácsadó, Tata/ HR consultant, Tata
Slézia Judit
HR asszisztens, Budapest/ HR assistant, Budapest
Komáromi Krisztina
HR asszisztens, Tata/ HR assistant, Tata
Csutak Roberta
HR asszisztens, Tata/ HR assistant, Tata
Fodor Viktóra
Junior tanácsadó
Hajdás-Földi Kolos
Mészáros Gabriella
Papp Gréta
HR asszisztens, Budapest/ HR assistant, Budapest
Rosta Dániel
Vári Elvira
Tatai irodánk
2890 Tata, Kalapács utca 2.
Budapesti irodánk
1239 Budapest,
Szív utca 28. 2. em. 20. ajtó
Kövess minket itt is


The term of tests does not only imply that we have the potential candidate fill in aquestionnaire designed to test his aptitude at the time of recruitment - though undeniably this is also a veryimportant step of the recruitment process. In addition to the above, we can also offer our clients a complexand comprehensive evaluation system, which will help them select such employee who will fill tomaximum the hopes/expectations, while the employee will also feel GOOD in his workplace. We are convinced that satisfied employees and executives can multiply the success of the company! 

 We recommend the use of the test service(es) to such companies which 

  • consider it important that every employee works in the right position where they can fully exploit their skills and capabilities 
  • want to see the employee successful also after she/he has been promoted 
  • consider important the development of the leaders, 
  • want to see satisfied employees at their company 
  • want to organize such trainings that will be indeed constructive 

 The results of the tests speak for themselves: 

  • performance soars, 
  •  fluctuation decreases 
  • and human resource costs fall. 

 Tests we recommend to our clients: 

  •  Complex personality tests (e.g. leadership competence test) 
    •  Goal: Selection, coaching 
    •  Result: Assessment of the level of competence against the expectations, identification of the areas in need of development, which will help the employer send the employee, the candidate to the right training. 
  •  Tests for the assessment of sales competencies 
    •  Goal: Coaching, development 
    •  Result: Determines the expectable sales performance, the development necessary to reach optimum sales performance, the forms of management support and the possibilities of filling gaps. 
  •  Tests for the assessment of customer service competencies 
    •  Goal: Coaching, development 
    •  Result: Shows how empathic, flexible, dependable, polite and accommodating the candidate is. Furthermore, to what extent the employee answers the expectations and the requirements of the position. 
  •  Performance indicator 
    • Goal: Successful direction and motivation of the employees. 
    •  Result: Efficient communication and problem solving, reveals the causes of personal conflicts. 
  •  Team analysis 
    •  Goal: Improve the result of joint work, set up efficient teams. 
    • Result: Identification of the strengths and development areas of the team. Makes concrete proposals as to what steps each team member has to take in order to make the team successful 
  •  Full management evaluation (Checkpoint 360°) 
  •  Goal: self-improvement, career building, enhancement of the success of the company 
  •  Result: The company gets feedback on the promotion decisions, on the potential leader candidates and on what method the development of the leadership skills requires. The test shows to what degree the leader utilizes in real life the positive qualities he has. This test should be done after the leadership competence test, because it shows leadership efficiency. 
  •  Tests helping career planning 
    •  Goal: career planning 
    •  Result: They show the right direction at career choice or career change. 
 Our test service has no listed prices. So request our price offer for the above service.

Tatai irodánk
2890 Tata, Kalapács utca 2.
Budapesti irodánk
1239 Budapest, Szív utca 28. 2. em. 20. ajtó